This Module is not Accredited

Please note that accreditation and certification for Module 1 - 2nd Edition expired on 31.03.2024

Course curriculum

  • 1

    General Information

    • Learning Objectives

    • Course Overview

  • 2

    Session 1: Patient assessment & diagnosis

    • Heart Failure – the new epidemic (Epidemiology and Etiology) | A. Maggioni

    • Assessing heart failure: the 2021 ESC Guidelines | T. McDonagh

    • Use of biomarkers in heart failure | C. Müller

    • Clinical signs of heart failure | A. Lyon

    • Challenges in the diagnosis of heart failure | P. van der Meer

    • Monitoring and interpretation of biomarkers in heart failure | C. Müller

    • List of Publications - Session 1

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    Session 2: Non-invasive/invasive diagnostic modalities & functional assessment

    • ECG in heart failure | S. Haldar

    • Exercise tests in heart failure | P. van der Meer

    • Imaging modalities in heart failure | J. J. Bax

    • Hemodynamics in the CathLab - live in-a-box | R. Binder

    • Pathophysiology of heart failure | J. Cleland

    • Interpretation of hemodynamic parameters | S. Rosenkranz

    • Cardiac microstructure and pump dysfunction | D. Pennell

    • List of Publications - Session 2

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    Session 3: Determinants for HF & Comorbidities

    • Clinical scoring system for heart failure | T. McDonagh

    • Risk factors of heart failure | J. Cleland

    • Health economic considerations | M. Cowie

    • Co-morbidities in heart failure: the ESC guidelines | G. Rosano

    • Coronary artery disease and heart failure | M. C. Petrie

    • Hibernation: mechanisms and clinical importance | P. Camici

    • Heart failure and diabetes | T. F. Lüscher

    • List of Publications - Session 3

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    Session 4: Ergospirometry & Adult Congenital Heart Disease

    • Ergospirometry: the pulmonologist’s view | L. Howard

    • Ergospirometry: the cardiologist’s view & PH in heart failure | D. Dumitrescu

    • Congenital heart disease – an overview | M. Gatzoulis

    • Congenital heart disease: clinical presentations/initial investigations | A. Bolger

    • Managing HF in Adult Congenital Heart Disease | M. Gatzoulis

    • List of Publications - Session 4

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    Session 5: Imaging modalities in HF

    • Echocardiography – Focus on LV function and mitral regurgitation | R. Senior

    • CMR in heart failure | S. Prasad

    • Multimodality imaging to guide revascularization in heart failure | C. Gräni

    • Comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography | C. West

    • Advanced Echo | A. Duncan

    • Stress Echo- patient cases | R. Senior

    • List of Publications - Session 5